New Direct Flights from Panama to La Habana and Santo Domingo with Wingo

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Wingo, a low cost airline opens two new routes from Panama City to Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) and Havana (Cuba), becoming the “only low-cost airline that will operate these destinations directly

These two new flights, which will depart from the Panama Pacifico airport and represent a 40% increase in Wingo’s current offer of routes in Panama, will begin sales with promotional rates. The launch rate starts at $111 on the Panama–La Havana and from 69 dollars on the Havana-Panama route. And from 103 dollars on the Panama-Santo Domingo route and from 81 dollars on the Santo Domingo-Panama route.

The regular route between Panama and Havana will have 2 weekly flights, on Tuesdays and Saturdays, the same as the Panama-Santo Domingo route, but on Thursdays and Sundays. In both Wingo will make available to the market about 3,000 chairs per month.

Source: La Estrella de Panamá

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