
Panama Protests Continue, some violence has occurred, including a gun shot fired. Please be vigilant, follow reputable reports and Avoid unnecessary movement until this dies down, or unless you have verified it to be a safe route. I am surprised I don’t see an updated Embassy report.


I checked with our Resident Attorney, Giovanna Bernal, to get some clarity about Foreigners who decide to take part in protests. I have incorrectly believed it was fully prohibited, but it is allowed within the guidelines laid out in the Constitution.

The Panama constitution mentions that every person has the right to peacefully meet with others, in a public demonstration or in a transitory assembly, in relation to their common interests of any kind.

If the protest threatens public safety, Immigration office can expulse the foreigner.

Article 65 of Law decree 3 of 2008, Immigration will order the exit of a resident if its acts threatens public safety or engage in conduct that conflicts with morality and good customs.

UPDATES Resulting from Protests (from a reliable source):

I have learned that the gas prices will go down to $3.95 a gallon (I believe) tonight at midnight.

There are 10 food items that will go down by $1, and those food items have not been specifically identified as of right now. According to my source.

Another reason Panamanians are upset is some things happening within the Ministry of Education. For example, teachers have been working for four months, many positions have been unassigned in some schools, classes not being taught. Legislators have spent approximately $45,000 on travel, yet there are schools at this time that don’t have adequate running water and bathroom facilities in disrepair.

It’s times like this that you realize how important it is that you understand the language. I have been in conversations a good part of the day with individuals whom I know could provide reliable information for us.

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