MUST SEE TV! Do not be deceived, there IS racism in Panama. The situation in the US is ALWAYS so INTENSE!! Racism here is (IMO) much more subtle. For one, I don’t believe Black Panamanians FEAR for their lives because of it like WE do in the US!
With that said, this is a REALLY good, short video that includes our dear friend and former SAMAAP (Sociedad de Amigos del Museo Afroantillano de Panama) President, Melva Lowe de Goodin, sharing truth and history.
If you live in Panama or want to live in Panama, you should know what “Silver & Gold” Rolls mean and how the system came about. Do you know who the “Diggers” are?
I am very proud to say that EVERYONE who attends a Black Expats in Panama Cultural Relocation Tour receives ALL of the history and information (mentioned in this video) during their visit.
We will not be naïve, we will be informed Panamanian residents.
28 Jul, 2022I do not speak Spanish. Does that mean I should not even consider a move? Is there a Black population of English-speaking EXpats who would be willing to communicate with me as I would try to become at least functional in the language?
28 Jul, 2022Hola! Many people move to Panama who do not speak Spanish. There are not only many Black Expats who are here to help, Panamanians are helpful as well.I am just learning Spanish. It is coming slow, but sure! We are about to start a Cafe and Conversation Group to help each other learn Spanish and English.
28 Jul, 2022Hola! Many people move to Panama who do not speak Spanish. There are not only many Black Expats who are here to help, Panamanians are helpful as well.I am just learning Spanish. It is coming slow, but sure! We are about to start a Cafe and Conversation Group to help each other learn Spanish and English.
22 Aug, 2022My husband and I would love a Relocation tour while we are there on vacation. We will be there from 8/25-9/2/2022. Are there any tours scheduled during this time? If so, what is the cost and how can we schedule one?
24 Aug, 2022Hello Edna. Our September Relocation Tour is sold out, but it is a five day tour, so it would not have worked with your schecudle. We actually have an open day for others to join us. It is on Sept 3rd, we go as a group to Colon, unfortuantely you are leaving the day before. We will be meeting up in Casco Viejo on August 28th for Cafe & Conversation (event listed here) perhaps you can join us. It is our first time doing this. It is a space for people who want to learn English or Spanish to connect over coffee and have fun practicing language.
2 Sep, 2022Hello Edna! Sorry for the delay. I think we connected on Facebook and unfortunately, Alexis told me he had car trouble and couldn’t take you out on a real estate tour. I am so sorry. It wasn’t enough time for me to find someone else. How did you make out? When will you return? Do you need me to connect you to another realtor who can help? It was just such short notice to find someone and fortunately Alexis was available.